Known originally as Lime Point, This area was first settled about 1880. The early camp was abandoned by 1882. In March 1908, a silver strike brought a new camp into existence. Called Hornsilver, it flourished for about a year, boasting about 800 residents, at least 11 saloons, a post office, telephone service and a newspaper. Most of the businesses closed the following year. After a number of small booms and busts, the town was renamed Gold Point in 1932. Two local residents eventually served in the Nevada State Senate, Harry DeVotie and Harry Wiley, whose wife, Ora Mae served as postmistress from 1942 until 1967. The post office closed in 1968, and in 1979 stabilization of the town was started by Herb Robbins. Dedicated this 18th day of April, 2004 Queho Posse, Chapter 1919 E Clampus Vitus Satisfactory!“ Location: Gold Point, Nevada 774, Goldfield, NV, United States (Please note: Using the maps co-ordinates below will direct you straight to the location) Google Maps Co-ordinates: 37.354693, -117.365108

Credit: Alvis Hendley

Credit: Hendrikus Jongste


Credit: Roman M.

Credit: Anthony D.

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