We recently got in touch with Richard at @replicaroadminiatures on Instagram who’s been working his magic on this incredibly detailed mini Only Fools & Horses flat replica. Below, Richard has kindly shared his story on how this project got started and the process it’s took to get it to where it is now. “I was very lucky to be asked to make The Trotter’s flat from the BBC TV series ‘Only Fools and Horses’ by a colleague at work. The first thing to do is research the source material thoroughly. Luckily, the basic flat shape doesn’t change and is just a few walls and doors. The objects and decoration have changed numerous times however I saw this as an opportunity for reflecting the story telling element of the show. There are references to: grandad’s chair; Peckham Spring boxes and bottles; Rodney’s trumpet in the refuse chute; the typewriter and of course the bar.
I use the dimensions of a door to help me scale. I then design everything in ‘Sketchup’. This allows me to make changes and mistakes without wasting materials. It also serves as a plan with measurements in 3 dimensions should I be asked to make the model again.
The main structure is made from Artist’s Mountboard. It is very strong, but easy to cut. Wall papers and wall decorations are printed using a standard printer. I printed the carpet onto canvas paper to give it a bit of texture.
Other elements are inspired by ‘Playmobil’ furniture, for example, grandad’s chair and the dining room chairs. I have a 3d printer and can print out more complicated pieces and glue them together.
I shared the flat on Instagram and it proved to be quite popular… So far, I’ve made nine.” Trotter’s Flat – recreated in miniature by @replicaroadminiatures