Mr. Bean was created by Atkinson himself and Rowan’s brother, Richard Curtis. The show was first aired on TV in 1990 and ran until 1995 with nine episodes. The show also spawned a film adaptation of the same name which was released in 1997. The TV series starred Rowan Atkinson as the title character, a childish buffoon with various tricks up his sleeve to achieve his goals, most of them involving very elaborate plans that often go wrong in spectacular fashion. Locations: 4-2 Whittaker Ave, Richmond (Intro) Google Maps Co-ordinates: 51.458835, -0.306811

54 The Avenue, Surbiton, United Kingdom (Mr Bean’s Home) Google Maps Co-ordinates: 51.389958, -0.290987

White Stuff, Church Street, Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom (Shoe Shop) Google Maps Co-ordinates: 51.410685, -0.305304

Debenhams, Lavender Hill, London, United Kingdom (Mr Bean gets supplies to re-decorate his flat) Google Maps Co-ordinates: 51.463390, -0.167404

Jenners Riverside Cafe, Ray Mead Road, Maidenhead, United Kingdom (Mr Bean plays mini-golf) Google Maps Co-ordinates: 51.528841, -0.702020

Pirate Petes, Clarence Esplanade, Southsea, United Kingdom (Mr Bean goes on fun fair with baby) Google Maps Co-ordinates: 50.785777, -1.100913


TV Series from: 1990 – 1995 Run time: 25m Film Trailer


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