The film tells the story of five teenagers – Claire (Molly Ringwald), Andrew (Emilio Estevez), Bender (Judd Nelson), Brian (Anthony Michael Hall) and Allison (Ally Sheedy) – who are sentenced to Saturday detention in their high school’s library. At first they just seem to be different cliques that couldn’t be more different from each other. However, as they spend more time together, they start to break down the social barriers that have kept them apart. The movie is set in an American high school in Shermer, Illinois and was filmed at the Maine North High School in Des Plaines, Illinois. Locations: Maine North High School – 9511 Harrison Street, Des Plaines, Illinois, USA (Opened in 1970 – More Info) (Shermer High School) Google Maps Co-ordinates: 42.059957, -87.862846

Maine South High School, Park Ridge, IL, United States (Football Field) (Built in 1964 – More Info) Google Maps Co-ordinates: 42.003002, -87.852291

Extra: Official Trailer Release: 15/02/1985 Director: John Hughes Run Time: 97m Age Viewing: 15 Gross: $45,875,171